Valcon Partners, Ltd. is a firm dedicated to the valuation of tangible assets (i.e. Personal Property, Machinery & Equipment, and Real Estate) and other tangible asset consulting.
The professionals affiliated with Valcon Partners, Ltd. have worked for a variety of well respected international and regional valuation and consulting firms, former “Big Five” accounting firms, or owned new and used equipment distributorships. These affiliates are located throughout the United States which allows flexibility in our ability to serve you.
Our extended network includes a variety of business valuation and engineering professionals. Through this network, Valcon Partners, Ltd. has the expertise and professional depth to provide a complete solution to your valuation or asset consulting needs.
The majority of these professionals hold designations such as the Accredited Senior Appraiser (“ASA”) designation, Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (“MRICS”) designation or other respected designations. Since they hold these designations, the valuation professionals are required to frequently update their knowledge through continuing education and are held to the highest ethical standards.
Markets and Industries Served
The valuation professionals affiliated with Valcon Partners, Ltd. have provided valuation and consulting services to the following markets:
Whether the assignment calls for the valuation of one asset or several locations worldwide, we can set up a work plan to accomplish the project in a timely and efficient manner.
For more details on the types of industries for which projects have been provided, please review our industry list.

Douglas Kreiser, ASA FRICS
Managing Director and President
Areas of expertise: Machinery & equipment and personal property valuations, expert witness.

Jack Beckwith, ASA CEA
Jack Beckwith’s area of expertise is primarily machinery & equipment/personal property.
However, he has valued buildings and improvements for insurance purposes. In addition to his valuation experience, Mr. Beckwith has been an expert witness in the United States Bankruptcy Court and in various counties for personal property ad valorem tax litigation.

Garrett Schwartz, ASA CEA
Garrett Schwartz is a Certified Equipment Appraiser of the Association of Machinery and Equipment Appraisers and an Accredited Senior Appraiser of the American Society of Appraisers (ASA) with a designation in Machinery & Technical Specialties. He an active member of the ASA, currently serving as Chapter President and member of the Board of Directors of the ASA Northern California Chapter and as a member of ASA’s International Machinery & Technical Specialties Committee.

Richard Tondre
Richard Tondre has been assisting with appraisals for more five years and in the Medical Field for more than 25 years, serving in patient care and in management roles.

William Engel, ASA
William M. Engel, ASA has performed valuations on an international basis for over 21 years. His area of expertise is machinery and equipment.
Real Estate Affillate
Valcon Partners, Ltd. has partnered with various national real estate valuation firms to provide real estate valuation and consulting services to our clients.These firms offer a wide range of real estate valuation and consulting services including the following:
Affillate Offices